Avoiding Unnecessary Pain….
For several days, my daughter had complained of blisters as a result of her cross-country training. I provided the Band-Aids, the Neosporin, and the pep talk but let my 8th grader take care of her toes. Then one day she got in the car barefoot after practice and I saw the severity of her concern. A high pain tolerance has its pros and cons.
What about you? Where is there continual friction in your life? Who around you might already be knowledgeable in the area you are struggling? The next day, I spoke to 2 runners who told me the exact same things I had learned the day before. I could have asked almost any skilled runner and received the help I had needed, if I had just asked.The beauty of this life is that there is not a single situation that someone has not already walked through… yes, even yours! God designed us to be in community. As Christians, we need each other. He instructed us to be both teachers and students. We should learn from those who are ahead of us and teach those who are a little farther behind. Think about where you are continually feeling friction. Ask God to lead you to the person who can give you wisdom to navigate the journey with a better plan. Where do you need someone else’s experience to help you?