Can You Say Yes?

During Beth Moore's recent visit to Memphis, she asked the crowd of nearly 10,000 women, "Would you be willing to allow the Lord to show you where the enemy has a foothold in you?" It’s an interesting question. At first brush, we jump to "Yes, of course!" Yet consider the implications of the question.First, it assumes that you are unaware of the enemy’s foothold. Are you truly in the dark or is it just something you conveniently ignore? As women, we are busy. Always busy. That busyness is often our best excuse for not dealing with the things that the Lord has already shown us. Is there an area of your life that you know is just not quite right, but you refuse to do anything about it? Being too busy to heed the Lord’s warning is a form of refusal. We can’t kid ourselves. Beth’s heart behind the question is to get us to the place of freedom that we desire, but we must first walk in honesty.Second, the question references the enemy’s foothold “in you.” For us to truly live the way God intends, we must be willing to look honestly at ourselves. As a believer, it’s easy to see the glaring sins in other people, but how often do we put ourselves under the bright light of examination?Do you really want to know where the enemy has a foothold in your life? If you truly are willing for the Lord to reveal the enemy’s foothold to you, what are you going to do if He answers that prayer? I urge you to prepare yourself now to receive His answer and to go to work at the very moment of His revelation. As any Highpointer has heard my husband say, “Delayed obedience is disobedience!”All of us want joy. All of us want peace. All of us want freedom. Through Christ, all of those are very possible. However, joy and peace and freedom do not come without effort. Analogous to delivering a baby, in our spiritual lives there are times when the breakthrough that we need will only come with some contractions and some pushing. You may dread the pain of the delivery, but every woman comes to the point that they are ready to go through the pain in order to hold that precious gift. Why would we put off experiencing the gift of freedom God intends for us to walk in?Let us not play games with our faith. Let us be women who are willing to ask the hard questions and listen for the answer. May we be women who, when we have heard, would put our yes on the table to do whatever it takes for the Lord to bring us the freedom from that foothold. twitter | facebook

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