Dangerous Times

Have you watched the news lately? Do you turn it off in frustration? Does it elicit fear? It used to be that parents feared for their children and grandchildren. What would life be like for their kids growing up? These days, we can be tempted to wonder if those realities will be part of our own generation.There are many dangers in this world, but I want to attack the one that hits closest to home. For Christians all across America, we’re entering into the season historically known for its spiritual slump. Summer is here. Changes in schedules, family vacations, and kids home from school all provide the greatest opportunity for us to push God further down on the priority list.I often teach that it’s like premarital sex or high school students drinking: If you don’t make a purposeful decision in advance as to how you’re going to tackle a situation, your unwillingness to make a decision is a decision. Our flesh takes us down the path of least resistance and we’ll do what every non-believer does. So, my challenge to you is to make a decision today. As a matter of fact, can I be so bold to say that my challenge is for you to decide right now: Will you commit to prioritizing God this summer?Seriously, do you think you need God less this summer? Do you need His wisdom less as you navigate a house full of kids, your adult son or daughter moving back in from college, or caring for an aging parent? Do you need His protection less? Do all of the temptations of your world take a vacation, too? Hardly!Please know my heart – I want you and your family to experience every part of God’s best for you. I desire for both you and I to benefit from every word of wisdom and protection that He has provided. Please don’t allow the academic calendar or the season of the year to be an unintentional stumbling block to you experiencing God’s best.I’m the first one to encourage you to make realistic adjustments for each season of life, but you actually need wisdom from the Lord to know what to eliminate and what to prioritize. You need the Lord to speak directly to your circumstances to make those decisions wisely.So, take ten minutes and answer these questions:1.  What does it look like for me to prioritize God this summer?

    • Will I commit to at least 15 minutes a day and begin the discipline of a priority time?
    • Do I want to find a bible study to do?
    • Is there a series of podcasts I will listen to?
    • Can I make my summer reading be on things of the Lord?
    • Do I need to ask for some recommendations?

2.  What do I need to get in my hands so I’m prepared for this summer?

    • Do you need to buy a journal?
    • Do you need to buy a Priority Time book to guide you through the process, or maybe download examples from chrisconlee.net?
    • Do you need to stop by Lifeway and get a specific resource?
    • Do you need to download some podcasts?

3.  How do I need to plan differently for changes within my summer?

    • Do you have some weeks you will be traveling?
    • Do you have some weeks with kids at camp?
    • Will you have weeks with a house full of guests?

4.  When am I going to spend time with the Lord each day?

    • Do you need to be up early some weeks before a crazy day?
    • Do you need to guard your schedule from anything during naps some weeks?
    • Do you need to schedule meetings to start 30 mins later on some weeks?

There will always be times when you need to make adjustments to your plans, but you're far more likely to put God first if you make an intentional plan. The Lord is not keeping score this summer; He simply wants to treasure time with His daughter and give you what you need to love those in your sphere of influence. Let me know if you’re in!