He Knows

Have you ever wondered where God is? Have you ever doubted that He cares? If not, you might check your honest meter. Even with the strongest faith, it’s absolutely human to believe in God and trust Him, but still wonder how “this thing,” whatever it might be, is going to work out.I’d bet that from middle school age forward there are more seasons of life that leave us waiting, hoping, praying, and navigating unknown waters than not. Sometimes it feels like the wilderness. If not for you, you’ll have the same heaviness for your children or grandchildren.This past week, I was in the book of Deuteronomy and God reminded me how close He sticks to His children. Moses wrote words to the children of Israel that echoed over and over in my mind:

He knows your going through this great wilderness.Deuteronomy 2:7b

Penned for the Israelites’ comfort, these words spoke to me about how much our Father remains intimately connected to our lives. Just like He knew the steps of the Israelites, He knows your steps, too. What’s the challenge you face right now? What seems daunting? He knows you’re in crisis. He knows where your child’s heart is. He knows when the bills are due and how long it’s been since there’s been harmony in your home. He knows how desperately you need a job. He knows your child needs a friend. He knows what hangs in the balance at school. Fill in the blank. He knows.I can hear the heart cry of the woman who isn’t completely comforted by the fact that God knows. “Great. Why doesn’t He do something about it?” is what I imagine she’s asking. My daughter and I have had that same conversation recently. The truth is, the enemy’s happy to put in a little overtime if it means you’ll decide that God might be all knowing, but He mustn’t be that good because He hasn’t fixed our mess. As a matter of fact, the enemy might not even care about his hourly wage if he can score that one.But look at the end of verse 7…

“These forty years the Lord your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing.”

If it’s not enough to know that God sees you and knows and cares about you as an individual, the fact that God has met all your needs should rush to soothe you. Don’t forget: The children of Israel had chosen to take a lot of detours and complain… A LOT. Even with their resistance and headstrong ways, God was still faithful to meet all of their needs.Whatever you or your friends or family are walking through, don’t forget who’s giving you the grace to walk. He will see you through.