One-Way Ticket

This week, I’ve been reminded of the power of prayer. I’ve watched God answer the prayers of a mom who wouldn’t give up. It was a long road, but she wasn’t content with anything less than a 180º turn for her prodigal. He was marching toward hell but, through the prayers of a righteous woman, he’s now passionately pursuing the Lord. In the early days, her child was annoyed with all her prayers… but he now finds great encouragement, knowing she was covering him during that difficult season.When I think of Paul’s prayers for the Christians in Colossae, I can only imagine how encouraged those believers must have been to know that Paul was making no small effort to cover them in prayer. In Colossians 1, we get this powerful list of what Paul prayed over them. For those of you joining me in our priority time journey, I couldn’t help but ask:

Who do I pray for like that?Who would the Lord want me to commit to pray for?

But what stopped me dead in my tracks was Colossians 1:11-12.

May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.

I don’t know about you, but I struggle with endurance and patience. Both of these qualities require a person to dig deep. Having endurance and patience only happens when you’re willing to wage war against your sinful, selfish flesh. But how often do you have endurance and patience with joy?Who are we kidding? We can’t even keep joyful when we have to wait at a long red light! But Paul wouldn’t pray for this, and God wouldn’t include it in His Word, if it weren’t true. Paul called upon the Lord and all of His glorious might to do in the people of Colossae what is impossible by earthly measure. He was asking God to do such a work in them that, even in the midst of adverse circumstances requiring endurance and patience, the light of Christ would still dominate.I’ve seen this happen in 2016. In the midst of a friend’s unbearable circumstances, she waits and trusts with joy. It’s completely possible. Yet for some of us, that description brings a sigh of defeat. Don’t get discouraged. If you read a verse or two further, you’ll realize why it’s possible to find joy in the midst of unhappy times.As you approach Colossians 1:13, ask the question, “What did the Lord do?” The answer? He “delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.”Did you read that? Does that register with you? We can have joy in our difficulties because our difficulties amount to nothing in comparison to the domain of darkness we deserve to be living in! We find joy knowing there's nothing the enemy can do to return us to the domain of darkness. Through our faith in Christ, we received a one-way ticket to the Kingdom of His beloved Son.Where in your life right now are circumstances tough? God knows the walk on this earth has been corrupted and plagued with challenges… but in the midst of your trials, grab hold of the hope you can have. Remember to give “thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.”What do you need to thank God for right now so you can carry joy with you today?