3 Words You Don't Want To Hear

On October 2, 2015, I began journaling through a Bible for my daughter that she’ll receive when she goes off to college this fall. (No spoiler alert is needed. Her brother received the same gift from his dad last year when he began school. #secondkidprobs) As I finally entered the New Testament, I thought how much more familiar I am with these stories and truths. Today, however, a statement that I’ve read many times brought me to a complete stop. The Sadducees, in typical fashion, were trying to undercut Jesus’ credibility. They were known for trying to ask Him controversial questions. This one happens to be the question regarding a woman who was married seven times. You can go to Matthew 22:28 for the actual question, but what pierced me was Jesus' answer in verse 29:

But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.”

What occurred to me as I read Jesus’ reply was how many times Jesus could make that very same reply to me. Although the Sadducees’ motive may have been to trick Jesus, prayerfully, that has never been my motive. Yet disbelief or frustration has certainly led me to the foot of the throne on occasion with the attitude that somehow second-guesses God‘s goodness and sovereignty.

How could You let this happen? Don’t You realize, I was the one trying to honor You? Why haven’t You healed… Why haven’t You answered… You should have…

Almost every doubt and struggle I have had would truly be eliminated if I had a better understanding of God’s Word and God’s power. And while that might seem somewhat obvious for all Christians, it also crystallized that there are two tangible ways in which I can pursue a better understanding of God and His plan. If I don’t want to remain frustrated or misled, then I can discipline myself to become a better student of His Word… and if I doubt God’s power, it’s only because I’ve not been intentional to watch and respond to His power.To become a student of God’s Word alone, without our eyes open to the power of our mighty King, leaves us as historians or academicians. To rely solely on the supernatural, without being grounded in His Word, leaves us vulnerable to false teaching and manipulation. But if we wholeheartedly pursue God’s truth and power, we become like strong oaks planted by streams of living water.[bctt tweet="If we pursue God’s truth and power, we become like strong oaks planted by streams of living water."]Wherever you are on your journey, I challenge you to join me in pursuing God’s truth and power in such a way that He would never have to say to us those three words that pierce so deeply:

You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.“

What’s one specific thing you can you do?

  • Access Highpoint resources on how to have a Priority Time and begin a daily time in Scripture and prayer.
  • Commit to listening to a Scripture-based podcast.
  • Study one person in Scripture each month.
  • Memorize a verse of Scripture each week.
  • Meet someone for coffee who you sense has experienced more of the power of God in their life.
  • Begin writing down your prayers and detailing answers so you can tangibly see God’s power.
  • Ask a friend or two to meet weekly to pray over an area in your lives or our city that needs prayer. Watch for answers.